Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tiger & Elin Not Getting A Divorce ???

Guess who is making the news again. It is Mr. Tiger Woods and it seems like he is not getting divorce after all. The wife of Tiger Woods has called off their divorce after visiting the golfing superstar at a clinic where he is undergoing rehab. Elin Nordegren spent five days at the rehab center participating in the therapy for Tiger,
who apparently cheated on her with at least a dozen women during their marriage. Elin Nordegren was quoted saying" she hopes to save her marriage because she doesn't want to raise their two children without a father." I dont think it is going to be that easy. It is going to take a lot of time and Tiger will have to really prove that he wants to make it work.Elin wants a solid family life.She said she wants to keep her family together even if she and Tiger live together as friends instead of lovers.If Woods is indeed at a rehab program and wants to fix up his marriage, he'll have to tell Elin about all of his affairs at the program's "Disclosure Day." I guess we will just have to wait and see if it happens. If they dont get divorced at least he will save himself a lot of money.

First 2 Commenters


  1. LOL @ David chopping!! :-D :-D :-D

  2. Tiger in the news again. I agree it won't be that easy to get them back on solid ground again. The media will let us ALL know how this turns out anyway for us. LOL!

  3. I so pity the wife in this case....Tiger should grovel and do more to prove his love for her....rehab is not enuff... not for the dozen or so ladies he cheated on her with...grrrrr...... >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

  4. Disappointed in Tiger... >:o >:o >:o >:o >:o

  5. I don't get that many chops in, so I'm taking advantage of this one! LOL! :-P :-D

  6. I could have told you so... I knew she wasnt gonna leave him...

    Thanks for sharing Bill, and thanks for leaving a comment on my funny post, i really enjoy things like that guy falling his ass off when he wants to be clever... nasty me...haha...

    |I have a question, the RT thing on twitter that you and David has done on my tweet, is that called a retweet? I am not up to standard with twitter yet... if so, thanks a lot, I am not quite sure yet how to do that... but I am still learning...

    Hope your weekend will be great!

  7. Hi Bill, thanks also for your comment on my sexy legs and body last post, I agree with you on Ashley and Jaime, both are gorgeous.

    Hope your weekend is going well.


  8. I heard this on the radio the other day. The people on radio starts to say that in Tiger's case it is not "Disclosure Day" but rather should be "Disclosure Week". :-D



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