Thursday, March 11, 2010

Twilight Eclipse

The trailer for the Twilight series “Eclipse” has came out today and for all you fans the wait is almost over. Bella is still torn between letting Edward her night walking man take a bite out of her neck or just letting Jacob her wolf man lick and nibble a little. Decisions decisions what can you do. Most of Edwards vampire friends are saying that Bella is too human and then you have sweet little Jacob saying that he will fight for her till the last beat of her heart. This is truly going to be one movie that all twilight fans don’t want to miss. I almost forgot what about Victoria will she finally have her way? Sometimes you just wish that you could have powers like Edward and be able to read minds so you could figure out what is going to happen but since we don’t have that power we will just have to wait till June 30 when the movie comes out to see what happens. Whose team are you on, Team Jacob or Team Edward? Here is the short trailer to wet your appetite a little.


  1. I don really follow this one Bill, happy watching to da rest tho! :* :*

  2. hehe me too I don't really follow this one :-P :-P

  3. I really dont follow the movie much also but my wife likes it. :)

  4. Your FC 1 Monica woot woot ;)

  5. Your FC 2 Marzie so you dont need to cry :-D :-D

  6. i wanna watch this. i like the book better though :-D :-D :-D


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