Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger Woods Goes Public * *

After 3 months of silence Tiger Woods has stepped up and made a statement for a whole 13 minutes. He made his statement but he did not let anybody ask any questions of any kind. When he said that he was wrong and that he was sorry for his behavior, was he really? He talked about Elin his wife and trying to rebuild their relationship but where was she during the whole interview? Tigers mother was there and he gave her a kiss and hug after his speech or should I say his apology. If you looked real close at the front row it was mostly women. To me this was to neatly packaged. He talked about going back to sex rehab and getting better but I really wonder if it will do any good. He will probably go back to golf and people will sooner or later forget all about this and maybe his wife will take him back but things will never be the same.



  1. Hey Bill!

    I only caught highlights of this. However, it doesn't seem like he knew what he was going to say. In other words, it's as if he just went through the motions without memorizing anything he intended to say.

    And one of my good friends made a great point today. While I don't condone what Tiger did or anyone else for that matter, but it's sad our society talks about this as much as Haiti on a grand scale.

    Take care, Bill! :)

  2. I truly agree with you David. I think they made a very big thing over this for nothing. Just because maybe they think of him as the God of golf.

  3. Why did your RT show up here David *DONT_KNOW*. Very strange *DONT_KNOW*

  4. long speech huh! =-O =-O

  5. Yeah he put a look of time into this one a whole 13 minutes of his time LOL :-P

  6. i made it? thanks, bill! yAY!

  7. that's what you get if you're a celebrity.

  8. Oh I agree.....ppl will eventually forget but things will never be the same. Well said Bill!

  9. I watched his apology last night too...he looked sincere enough and remorseful yes but's too big of a damage to let go...still feel bad for his wife especially. :'( :'( :'( :'(

  10. let me see the video first..

  11. hmm... like GP said.. he sounds sincere enuff.. but then again i would NEVER take him back :(



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